
The Evolution of Trust

Overview of the game The Evolution of Trust

The Evolution of Trust is a game that will test your trust in others. The choice to collaborate or steal coins is yours as you feed them into the machine along with AI-controlled participants. Cooperating will allow you to generate money, while stealing will allow you to take money from another player's bank.

How to play The Evolution of Trust

This is a fun and engaging interactive game, with great interaction between you and the computer.
The playing time is only 30 minutes, which is enough time for you to interact and collaborate and put your trust in your partner.
If you two cooperate, more money will enter your bank account; conversely, if you both steal, you will receive less money overall. How much faith do you have in each other? If you want to know, this game can tell you. Ponder and enjoy!
Play with great interactivity. According to deep collaboration theory and research, there will be a total of eight game modes to choose from.
The game is developed on many platforms.
This is a unique online game that you can play on many platforms, such as mobile, PC. Very easy to use, just need internet so you can play anywhere.

In what year was the game developed and released?

July 2017 was the worldwide release date, and the game created a new gaming trend.
Program creator
Nicky Case, the game's creator, is also the developer of the famous games We Become What We Behold, Adventures With Anxiety, and now The Evolution of Trust. It will definitely bring new attractions to this game.
